The Chaperone


Margaret River Region Open Studios 2021 Print Winner – Robyn Kennedy.

As a thank you to all who visited my studio during the September 2021 Open Studios event, I ran a competition to win a print of The Chaperone.

We had nearly 400 entries, and estimated our total number of visitors at around 500.

Charlie and the other fur kids (Goblin and Spike the Alpaca’s and Sheep) were exhausted after greeting and engaging with so many people.

Congratulations to the competition winner – Robyn Kennedy.

All the print orders have been placed and they are in the process of being dispatched. Those you bought a print should have received tracking numbers by now.

That done, I am now starting work on the many commissions that I have been asked to complete.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding of the time pressures an event like this puts on us.

Thanks again to  all who visited, and a reminder that I am open for visits all year round by Appointment.

Selected pieces are also available from Jah Roc Galleries, on the main street in Margaret River.

A reminder also that you can follow me on Facebook and Instagram!

Enjoy the Spring sunshine!